.. netjsonconfig-airos documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Dec 11 10:55:51 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to netjsonconfig-airos's documentation! =============================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: .. warning: This module will eat your socks! If you like your socks eaten in a different manner add an issue. The ``AirOs`` backend allows to generate AirOS v8.3 compatible configurations. This work is a plugin to the *netjsonconfig* tool that you can install to generate configuration files for AirOS v8.3 . Using *netjsonconfig* you can generate configuration files for many devices from different vendors starting from the same configuration syntax, NetJSON. To get started using `NetJSON `_ and `netjsonconfig `_ please read their documentation but it should boil down to do .. code-block:: bash pip install netjsonconfig Once you have installed *netjsonconfig* you will be able to install this package, as it is not published on pypi you will need to install it from a tarball or directly from the git repository. There is virtually no practical difference between the two options. .. code-block:: bash # this will install it using a tarball pip install https://github.com/edoput/netjsonconfig-airos/tarball/master # this will install it using git pip install -e git+git://github.com/edoput/netjsonconfig-airos#egg=netjsonconfig-airos If everything went correctly you will see that the *airos* backend is now available as an option in the help text for *netjsonconfig*. .. code-block:: bash netjsonconfig usage: netjsonconfig [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--templates [TEMPLATES [TEMPLATES ...]]] [--native NATIVE] --backend {openwrt,openwisp,openvpn,airos} # <--- ready to help your with airos! --method {render,generate,write,validate,json} [--args [ARGS [ARGS ...]]] [--verbose] [--version] netjsonconfig: error: the following arguments are required: --method/-m --backend/-b Converters with defaults ------------------------ `NetJSON `_ does not map explicitly to various section of the AirOS device configuration. For those section we have provided default values that should work both in ``bridge`` and ``router`` mode. The list of "defaulted" converters follows: * Discovery * Dhcpc * ``dhcpc.devname`` defaults to ``br0`` * Dyndns * Httpd * Igmpproxy * Iptables * ``iptables.sys.mgmt.devname`` defaults to ``br0`` * Netconf * the first interface with a ``gateway`` specified is the management interface in ``bridge`` mode * the first interface with a ``gateway`` specified is the ``wan`` interface in ``router`` mode * Pwdog * Radio * most of the configuration for the radio interface is taken from a PowerBeam ``PBE-5AC-400`` * Syslog * System * Telnetd * Tshaper * Unms * Update * Upnpd General settings ---------------- From the ``general`` property we can configure the contact and the location for a device using the ``contact`` and ``location`` properties. The following snippet specify both contact and location: .. code-block:: json { "type": "DeviceConfiguration", "general": { "contact": "user@example.com", "location": "Up on the roof" } } Network interface ----------------- From the ``interfaces`` key we can configure the device network interfaces. AirOS supports the following types of interfaces * **network interfaces**: may be of type ``ethernet`` * **wirelesss interfaces**: must be of type ``wireless`` * **bridge interfaces**: must be of type ``bridge`` A network interface can be designed to be the management interfaces by setting the ``role`` key to ``mlan`` on the address chosen. As an example here is a snippet that set the vlan ``eth0.2`` to be the management interface on the address ```` .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": [ { "name": "eth0.2", "type": "ethernet", "addresses": [ { "address": "", "family": "ipv4", "role": "mlan", "mask": 24, "proto": "static" } ] } ] } Ethernet ^^^^^^^^ The ``ethernet`` interface can be configured to allow auto-negotiation and flow control with the properties ``autoneg`` and ``flowcontrol`` As an example here is a snippet that enables both auto-negotiation and flow control .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": [ { "type": "ethernet", "name": "eth0", "autoneg": true, "flowcontrol": true } ] } Role ^^^^ Interfaces can be assigned a ``role`` to mimic the web interfaces features. As an example setting the ``role`` property of an address to ``mlan`` will add the role ``mlan`` to the interface configuration and set it as the management interface. .. warning:: Not setting a management interface will lock you out from the web interface Here is the snippet to set the role to ``mlan`` .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": [ { "type": "ethernet", "name": "eth0", "addresses": [ { "family": "ipv4", "proto": "static", "address": "", "role": "mlan" } ] } ] } This is the list of roles available for a device in ``bridge`` mode: * ``mlan`` for the management interface This is the list of roles available for a device in ``router`` mode: * ``wan`` for the wan interface * ``lan`` for the lan interface GUI --- As an extension to `NetJSON `_ you can use the ``gui`` key to set the language of the interface The default values for this key are reported below .. code-block:: json { "type": "DeviceConfiguration", "gui": { "language": "en_US", } } Netmode ------- AirOS v8.3 can operate in ``bridge`` and ``router`` mode (but defaults to ``bridge``) and this can be specified with the ``netmode`` property. .. code-block:: json { "type": "DeviceConfiguration", "netmode": "bridge" } NTP servers ----------- This is an extension to the `NetJSON `_ specification. By setting the key ``ntp`` property in your input you can provide the configuration for the ntp client running on the device. .. code-block:: json { "type": "DeviceConfiguration", "ntp": { "enabled": true, "server": [ "0.ubnt.pool.ntp.org" ] } } For the lazy one we provide these defaults .. code-block:: json { "type": "DeviceConfiguration", "ntp": { "enabled": true, "server": [ "0.pool.ntp.org", "1.pool.ntp.org", "2.pool.ntp.org", "3.pool.ntp.org" ] } } Radio ----- The following properties of a ``Radio Object`` are used during the conversion, the others have been set to safe defaults. * ``name`` Ssh --- We can specify the configuration for the ssh server on the antenna using the ``sshd`` property. This snippet shows how to configure the ssh server with the default values. .. code-block:: json { "type": "DeviceConfiguration", "sshd": { "port": 22, "enabled": true, "password_auth": true } } And this shows how to set the authorized ssh public keys .. code-block:: json { "type": "DeviceConfiguration", "sshd": { "keys": [ { "type": "ssh-rsa", "key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDBEEhdDJIbHVHIXQQ8dzH3pfmIbZjlrcIV+YkZM//ezQtINTUbqolCXFsETVVwbCH6d8Pi1v1lCDgILbkOOivTIKUgG8/84yI4VLCH03CAd55IG7IFZe9e6ThT4/MryH8zXKGAq5rnQSW90ashZaOEH0wNTOhkZmQ/QhduJcarevH4iZPrq5eM/ClCXzkF0I/EWN89xKRrjMB09WmuYOT48n5Es08iJxwQ1gKfjk84Fy+hwMKVtOssfBGuYMBWByJwuvW5xCH3H6eVr1GhkBRrlTy6KAkc9kfAsSpkHIyeb/jAS2hr6kAh6cxapKENHxoAdJNvMEpdU11v6PMoOtIb edoput@hypnotoad", "comment": "my shh key", "enabled": true } ] } } Users ----- We can specify the user password as a blob divided into ``salt`` and ``hash``. From the antenna configuration take the user section. .. code-block:: ini users.status=enabled users.1.status=enabled users.1.name=ubnt users.1.password=$1$yRo1tmtC$EcdoRX.JnD4VaEYgghgWg1 In the line ``users.1.password=$1$yRo1tmtC$EcdoRX.JnD4VaEYgghgWg1`` there are both the salt and the password hash in the format ``$ algorithm $ salt $ hash``, e.g in the previous block ``algorithm=1``, ``salt=yRo1tmtC`` and ``hash=EcdoRX.JnD4VaEYgghgWg1``. To specify the password in NetJSON use the ``user`` property. .. code-block:: json { "type": "DeviceConfiguration", "user": { "name": "ubnt", "passsword": "EcdoRX.JnD4VaEYgghgWg1", "salt": "yRo1tmtC" } } WPA2 ---- AirOS v8.3 supports both WPA2 personal (PSK+CCMP) and WPA2 enterprise (EAP+CCMP) as an authentication protocol. The only ciphers available is CCMP. As an antenna only has one wireless network available only the first wireless interface will be used during the generation. As an example here is a snippet that set the authentication protocol to WPA2 personal .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": [ { "name": "wlan0", "type": "wireless", "wireless": { "mode": "station", "radio": "ath0", "ssid": "ap-ssid-example", "encryption": { "protocol": "wpa2_personal", "key": "changeme" } } } ] } And another that set the authentication protocol to WPA2 enterprise .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": [ { "name": "wlan0", "type": "wireless", "wireless": { "mode": "station", "radio": "ath0", "ssid": "ap-ssid-example", "encryption": { "protocol": "wpa2_enterprise", "identity": "my-identity", "password": "changeme", } } } ] Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`